- compare spectra to template spectra of known spectral type
- MMK System (Morgan et al. 1943)
- no late M-type spectral templates in MMK system
- KHM system (Kirkpatrick 1992)
- uses spectral features in the wavelength range 6300-9000 A
- Reid et al. 1995
- TiO bandheads at 6500A and 7050 A
- CaOH and CaH bands at 6250 and 6400/6800
- TiO band is temperature dependent
- can be used as a distance indicator (spectrophotometric parallax)
- "index" is defined as : R=F(W)/F(cont)
- F(cont) is the pseudocontinuum flux (e.g. mean flux in a sideband)
- Figure 1 from Reid et al. shows the spectrum of a typical mid-M star with the bands used for spectral typing indicated:
- They derive a direct (linear) relationship between the spectral number (M #), and the TiO index: Sp = -10.775*TiO5 + 8.2
Since my Kast spectra do not include the features near the TiO bandhead (due to the maximum grating tilt allowed by the telescope), I need to find a way to define spectral types based on the TiO1 band head. Hopefully these will agree with the spectral types quoted by Rodriguez et al. 2011, which were derived using broadband photometry.
Since my Kast spectra do not include the features near the TiO bandhead (due to the maximum grating tilt allowed by the telescope), I need to find a way to define spectral types based on the TiO1 band head. Hopefully these will agree with the spectral types quoted by Rodriguez et al. 2011, which were derived using broadband photometry.
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